Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cold feeties.

Another snowy day in Colorado. Don't get me wrong, snow is beautiful but can we please enjoy the fall? I took like for a walk today and all of a sudden he stopped. I turned around and he seem frozen in place but as he began to walk again, he wasn't putting any pressure on his left hind leg. I panicked and checked his foot and he squealed. Did he break it?! No he didn't. Thank goodness. I think his foot might have just gotten really cold and it just began to hurt. Poor buddy. Does your doxie have any issues walking in the snow? I do have this product call Mushers secret but I forgot to put some on his little feeties. When I took him out on another walk, I did put some Mushers on his feet but after the frozen foot incident, he didn't walk in the snow at all. Has anyone ever used Mushers on their dogs in the winter time and if so, does it work? All in all, Lyle did like to play in the snow.


  1. We hike in the snow quite a bit and love Musher's Secret. I haven't been able to find durable booties that will withstand hiking and fit a Doxie's weird feet but haven't had any problems when I use this.

  2. I have a 2 1/2 yr old Doxie mix and she loves the cold weather and snow. During walks she would just stop and hold up a paw and there was a high pitched squeal couldn't tell it was from her. Anyway she would let me warm up her paw or check for salt. I tried musher's wax and it works great! I rub it liberally on her paws before we go out she never stops at all and we can stay out a lot longer. She never got so she wouldn't go in the snow you can't keep her out!

    1. That is great to know. It snowed recently here and I put some mushers on his paws but I didn't really work. His foot got frozen again. Maybe it's a mixture of the salt they throw on the pavement + the snow. Also, I may not have put a generous amount of so maybe next time I will. Thanks for sharing!
